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Do you have a desire to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth? Well, we have opportunities to do just that. By the grace of God we are in fellowship with like minded and like faith ministries in various places in the world and are often  working to put together mission trips to help our brothers and sisters in outreach. 

Some of the countries and places we have been and will continue to go are; India, Nepal, Philippines, Bangladesh, Romania, Africa, Peru, Mexico. If interested please contact us about availability as well as dates. The Lord bless and do not forget to share the Good News locally as well.

The Lighthouse believes in planting Bible Believing Churches wherever the Lord opens doors in our area, the United States and Overseas. We are presently praying for opportunities.  Are you interested in mission trips. We have opportunities available. Please feel free to contact us.

Our desire is to be a church planting movement that adheres to the word of God, lives by the word of God and proclaims the truths of the word of God. We will work with like minded and like faith people to do our part in seeing the great commission fulfilled which is the evangelization of the world and the making of disciples (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:18-20).

Jesus said that the fields are white for the harvest, but the laborers are few, and that we are to pray for the Lord to send forth laborers. Please prayfully consider giving or going into all the world with us and be part of the harvest that the Lord is bringing in on account of the shed blood of Christ.

Past trips: Nepal, Bhutan March 2007.

Bay Area Rescue Mission, San Francisco, Cal., June 2007.

Dacca, Bangladesh, February 2008

Romania and Muldova, January 2009

Philippines, March 2009

Dehli, India and Lamjung, Nepal February 2010

Nairobi, Africa and Kissi, Africa December 2010

Nairobi, Africa and Kissi, Africa December 2011

Guwahati, India May 24th- June 21st 2011, June of 2012.

Lima, Peru July of 2013.

Guwahati, India and Arunachal Pradesh, India November 2014

Nairobi Africa, Kissi Africa, Suswa Africa November 2016


Ladies Bible Study
 Last Monday Each Month
    Contact Information

    The Lighthouse Fellowship
    660 N Van't Haaff
    Corsica, SD 57328
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