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About us

Greetings my friend in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

We are a group of people who are desirous of glorifying God and proclaiming His salvation and glory through the person of Jesus Christ, His dear Son.

To sum up the ministry philosophy I will use Acts 2:42 "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers."

I am always amazed when I look to the following passages of scripture (Acts 2:43-47) and see how united the early church was, with one mind and one purpose and to accomplish that they voluntarily gave of what they had. The result, the Lord added to the church daily.

1. "...steadfast in the apostles doctrine..." Our desire is to stay true to the word of God, proclaiming and presenting the truth in love. In addition, we want to be transformed by the truth of God's word in the power of the Holy Spirit. The only means and the sure means of this that the Lord has given is through His word and prayer. When we present the gospel to the lost we want to be steadfast as well in holding to sound Biblical principles that will bring about conviction of sin and hope in the resurrected Christ. We will rely on the power of God to change lives and not man made philosophies that have infiltrated the church.

2. "...And in fellowship..." We realize that the Lord gave the church for the purpose of fellowship. Our desire is to grow in relationship with one another through the spiritual union we have in Christ. To be fervent in our love for one another and to esteem each other better than ourselves. This is for the edification, equipping and exhortation of one another. We also realize that as pilgrims here on earth we need to come along side one another for comfort, compassion and care as we all face many trials, temptations and the blowing winds of the temptest, the enemy.

3. "...and in the breaking of bread..." What a common life they shared. What Christian charity and blessing they had, to give voluntarily so none went without. In addition, they often celebrated the Lord's Supper at their gatherings. This is remembrance of the great work of Jesus Christ on their behalf.

4. "...and in prayers..." The Lord has called us to be a praying people. Our prayer is that God would give us a passion to pray for what burdens Him. God has ordained prayer as the catalyst for communion with Him and cultivating our faith. Without prayer we are like a shiny new AK 47 without any bullets. Revival starts on our knees in repentance and petition before him, not in man made methods and vain philosophies of this world.

My prayer is this gives you a better understanding of who we are what we stand for and through the grace of God what we will accomplish for His glory.

IN addition we believe that the church has been given as a priority the making of disciples. This involves evangelism and discipleship. Therefore, we have pledged before God to go wherever He opens doors and work with like minded and like faith people to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples thus establishing New Testament Churches.


    Contact Information

    The Lighthouse Fellowship
    660 N Van't Haaff
    Corsica, SD 57328
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